Industrial catalogs
AK Embalajes Grupo Elocom, S.L.True
AK Embalajes Grupo Elocom, S.L.

Automatic big bag filler

ELOCOM  BB Automática

A robot takes the Big Bags from reel. This system only works with Big Bags with filling spout.

The process does not require the loops (1 or 4) and the Big Bag is hold from the bottom during the filling stage.

The feeding system can be either:

  • Net weigher for granules.
  • Loss weight for micronized and “hyperventilated” products.

One reel can feed up to three spouts reaching outputs of:

  • 80 BB/hour for 1 spout.
  • 180 BB/hour for 3 spouts.

AT the same stage the Big Bag can be sealed or striped.

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